When I first anticipated what living on the road would be like, I will have to admit I did have my reservations. (And not just the ones at the camp grounds. LOL)  Don’t get me wrong, the concept is Amazing and Freeing. It was the unknown and the “what if’s” that tie you up a bit. Well, with 2 weeks under my belt I can say that this is a remarkable undertaking.  You wake up to the birds singing and a light wind whishing through the beautiful canopy of green trees. The sun gently peeking through the branches with the never-ending crystal blue sky washing over it all.  I get to do my runs and work outs out among nature and breathe in the fresh mountain air.  Happy to continue to stay healthy my blessings just continue and I am forever grateful. Not every moment of any life or any day is easy, but we must still make them meaningful.  As I sit sipping my coffee amongst the melodic birds, scampering squirrels and soft winds swaying the trees, I know this was meant to be and meant for me.          

Cherish all your moments, as they are ever fleeting.


            **As I wrote this, I received news that a good friend of ours, Jeff Golden (58), passed away.  He was a fun person and lived an amazing life with his beautiful wife Latricia and has two amazing daughters. Our group of friends had so many wonderful times together which we will always cherish. 

Another young friend gone before his time. You will be missed.**     

2 responses to “Day 15: Natures Beauty”
  1. Diane H Avatar
    Diane H

    So sorry to hear about your friend. Another reminder that life is short and we all need to appreciate every day we get to spend with people we love doing things we love. So happy you guys are taking this amazing journey. Thanks for taking me along via these wonderful posts & pics!

  2. Evelyn Ronga Avatar
    Evelyn Ronga

    Beautifully said Linny

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