Oh nooooo…Door lock failure!

This is an RV Lock which replaces the manufacturers door lock. The convenience of this install is remote locking capability. We experienced a mechanical failure thankfully with the door open as that pin you see under my index finger unseated itself. Thank goodness it happened when it did because if the failure occurred with the door locked, there was NO way in. 

There was no way that the pin which controls the unlock/lock action could be reseated without a press. My only available option was plastic tie traps which I will call my McGyver fix! Hope it holds till the manufacturer gets back to me Monday.

These type of things always seem to happen after hours, on the weekend and no warranty support! It’s a warranty issue, but a pain in the butt. I’ll follow up once I hear from RV Lock!

Follow up – Contacted RV Lock Customer Service and they are sending out a replacement to be forwarded to our next stop!

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