Have you ever had one of those days when it seems like “what’s next?”   That dark cloud that seems to just follow you around all day.  And why do these things always happen in threes?  Well, it successfully challenged me and won.

First occurrence was the placement of Calli’s water bowl. Sometimes we must move it to get into the drawer below the refrigerator, but in doing so it ends up being in front of the pantry door which is at equal height to the bowl.  So, without noticing the current location I went right for the pantry door with a vengeance. It hit the bowl and all the water splashed out to completely soak my socks. Lesson learned.  Look before you leap (or open the door).

Number 2.  Most likely we all have experienced this at one time. The senseless attack of the ICE RUSH. While tilting my cup full of water and ice, the ice jam broke and sent a blast of water and ice all over my face and the front of my shirt.    2 points for water.   

The final occurrence this same day happened when Lin and I had to scramble outside quickly because of a sudden wind gusts and rain that came along unexpectedly.  Our awning was out with a string of light that we had just attached the day before. (These lights must be removed before we can retract the awning).  Awnings are notorious losers against gusty winds.  We frantically worked to get the lights down as the intense rain and wind picked up rapidly.  Lights down, Lin ran in to retract the awing while I moved some of the other outdoor item to a safe place. As I did this, I had noticed that the awing was still partially out about 2 feet. Unbeknownst to me, Lin had left this bit out awaiting me to finish as it was providing a bit of shelter for me from the pouring rain.  I thought that it would not go in and I yelled to her as I got to the door asking what was wrong with the awning.  She said “nothing is wrong, I was trying to shelter you.”  I yelled for her to close it immediately and she hesitated and said…” oooo kaaaay.”  As the last of the awning retracted the water that had accumulated in the channel dropped gallons of cold rain water right on my head. (Apparently another reason why she hesitated to bring it in as she knew there would be water from past experiences).  Lin found this last situation especially, quite humorous.  

I have chalked it up to yet another learning experience.  Water= 3 Kevin=0

4 responses to “Water=3 Kevin=0”
  1. Evelyn Ronga Avatar
    Evelyn Ronga

    Hahaha…..lessons learned indeed

  2. T Avatar

    No shower needed 😅

    1. Linda & Kevin Avatar

      You got that right. LOL

  3. Ron Avatar

    I had to laugh at the awning drenching… been there done that !

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